Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Could you believe American's kids are far more away than others country??

American's kids average intructional hours in school per day is about 6.4 hours, Hongkees ,Singaporeans and Taiwanese are 5.3 hours. But the test scores are far out of expectation that, asian achieve higher scores than american's kids.

From the statistics above, Singaporean can actually achieve 580 to 600 points; while american kids only 530 to 550 point. (Six million middle and high school students are reading at levels significantly below their grade level. Half of all teenagers can't understand basic fractions; half of all nine year olds can't perform basic multiplication or division.) From http://obamaspeeches.com/033-Teaching-Our-Kids-in-a-21st-Century-Economy-Obama-Speech.htm

In US, they have higher standars of living life, $33,000 is the annual salary for high school graduate. American no more live in the world that finding a factory job that could only pay the bills and support the family while a lot of Malaysians still have to work in factory with little money. Somemore, $25,000 annual salary is consider at the poverty line, sadly a lot of degree studetns just above the line of poverty :RM25,000.

Globalisation made us facing of lossing job to foreigners those could accept lower salary. My friend's company (network system company) which hires 80 percent of Bangladesh degree holder. So, could you imagine that when many more foreigners actually graduate from University and looking job in Malaysia, how you going to survive tomorrow???

Friday, May 8, 2009


         25 是一个不年轻的数字,小雄锐锐渐渐没有了当初的稚气,但还是保留着傻气。多谢大家的关心,换了工作是因为新的际遇得到重视+还没有明确的目标,对很多事务跃跃一试。。。。虽然大可以随着大伙的步伐:往工程师生崖去闯。最后,为了不放弃我的学生,还是选择在附近范围内的工作机会(也就是纺织业)到最近的决定转换跑道。在别人眼里的我或许是少了对事物的坚持。但是, 我很肯定的是在做着某件事时都是全力以赴的。

        在叔叔园艺景观设计里,带着弟弟打工,什么事都告诉自己要亲手去做,去学。有的时候还会工作到十二点。爸爸老是问我:“你到底是带弟弟去打工,还是自己在工作??!!” 可见我爸挺心疼我的,哈哈!!





